

* Cool     ** Warm     ***HOT!

True Stories
I wrote as Lorien Loveshade

My true 10-year-old preteen romance
**First Period, First Bra
I got them both when I was 11 1/2 years old
**First Time Chatting on the Internet
I was a preteen chatter on my 12th birthday!

Fiction Stories
I wrote as Princess Unicornia
for Principia Harmonia and Ek-sen-trik-kuh Discordia: The Tales of Shamlicht.
You can read these by buying Ek-sen-trik-kuh Discordia.

**Babysitter Eris
(with Fairy Princess Yoshikyoko)
**The Myth of the Adulthood Fairy
(with Fairy Princess Yoshikyoko & Reverend Loveshade)

Diary Dates for some real life *Cool **Warm & ***HOT stories!
Copyright by The Loveshade Family
Lorien's Crib
About Me
My Diary
Friends Crib
Opinions on Issues
Party Fun
My Poetry
Slang Guide including our own words!
Learn about my Wiccan religion