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California Propositions
June 6, 2006
Lorien's Crib
            June 6, 2006

                 by Lorien Loveshade

Proposition 81: Public Library Bond Act


This act provides for a bond issue in an amount not to exceed
a total of six hundred million dollars ($600,000,000) to provide
funds for the construction and renovation of public library
facilities in order to expand access to reading and literacy
programs in California’s public education system and to expand
access to public library services for all residents of California.
Fiscal Impact: State cost of about $1.2 billion over 30 years to
pay off both the principal ($600 million) and interest ($570
million) costs of the bonds. One-time local costs (statewide) of
about $320 million for local matching contributions.

This sounds like a lot of money, but it really isn't! There's 25
million people in California, and a friend of mine did the math. It
would cost $1.60 per person per year! How much do spend in a
week renting videos? Is $1.60 too much to pay for a whole year
for a free library where you can read and check out books and
use a computer and the Internet?  And where your little
brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews, children and
grandchildren can too? I don't think so!

Vote yes on Proposition 81!

Proposition 82: Public Preschool Funding Initiative


Establishes voluntary preschool education for all four-year
olds. Funded by 1.7% tax on individual income over $400,000;
couples’ income over $800,000. Fiscal Impact: Increased
annual revenues of $2.1 billion in 2007–08, growing with the
economy in future years. All revenues would be spent on the
new preschool program.

Some four-year-olds are born in poverty, or have parents who
both work, or only have one parent who works. How can they
be prepared for school and for life? By this proposition!

The only people who would pay are people who make
$400,000 by themselves, or $800,000 if they're a couple. If you
make that much money a year, you're a multi-millionaire! And
they wouldn't be paying very much. The tax on the multi-
millionaires is only 1.7%. Is that too much to pay to prepare
children for life? I don't think so!

Vote yes on Proposition 82!
Copyright by Lorien Loveshade
Some propositions they tried to get on the ballot for 2006:

1172. Marriage. Elimination of Domestic Partnership Rights.
Initiative Constitutional Amendment and Statute.
FAILED to qualify.

1173. Marriage. Elimination of Domestic Partnership Rights.
Initiative Constitutional Amendment and Statute.
FAILED to qualify.

1174. Marriage. Elimination of Domestic Partnership Rights.
Initiative Constitutional Amendment and Statute.
FAILED to qualify.

1175. Marriage. Elimination of Domestic Partnership Rights.
Initiative Constitutional Amendment and Statute.
FAILED to qualify.

Why do they keep trying to end people's rights?